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 LIU Jie,OU Guochun,ZENG Jing,et al.Efficacy and safety of different intensity statin therapy on coronary heart disease in Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].International Journal of Cardiovascular Disease,2018,02:117-122.





Efficacy and safety of different intensity statin therapy on coronary heart disease in Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis
637000 南充,川北医学院附属医院心内科(刘杰,曾静,梁豪,胡厚祥),呼吸内科(欧国春)
LIU Jie1 OU Guochun2ZENG Jing1LIANG Hao1HU Houxiang1.
1. Department of Cardiology; 2. Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Sichuan 637000, China
他汀类药物 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 中国人 meta分析 系统评价
Statins Coronary heart disease Systematic review
目的:评价不同强度他汀类药物对中国人群冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)的疗效及安全性。方法:计算机检索PubMed、Embase、Web of Science、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、万方医学网数据库、中国知网学术文献总库(CNKI)、中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)等,并辅以手工检索。采用RevMan 5.3、STATA 14.0对符合纳入标准的18篇文献进行数据分析。结果:(1)与中等强度他汀相比,高强度他汀的非致命性心肌梗死(OR=0.43,P=0.000 7)、死亡(OR=0.43,P=0.001)和总终点事件(OR=0.56,P<0.000 1)的发生率均较低,总胆固醇(TC)水平(MD=-0.44,P<0.000 01)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平(MD=-0.35,P<0.000 01)也较低,但不良反应(OR=1.34,P=0.98)和脑卒中(OR=0.66,P=0.11)的发生率无统计学差异;(2)使用中等强度他汀与低强度他汀的患者,死亡率的差异无统计学意义(OR=0.54,P=0.44)。结论:与中强度他汀相比,高强度他汀降低TC和LDL-C水平的效果更明显,并能减少非致命性心肌梗死、死亡和总终点事件的发生率,且不增加不良反应; 但不降低脑卒中的发生率。
Objective:To systematically review the therapeutic efficacy and safety of different intensity statin in the treatment of coronary heart disease(CHD)among the Chinese population.Methods:Such databases as PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, CBM, CNKI, VIP, WanFang Data were used by computer retrieval. References to relevant literature were also screened by manual retrieval. 18 literatures were finally included and the data were analyzed by RevMan 5.3 and STATA 14.0.Results:(1)Compared with moderate intensity statin, although high intensity statin therapy had no superior effect on reduction of stroke(OR=0.66, P=0.11), it possessed significant reducing effects on nonfatal myocardial infarction(OR=0.43, P=0.000 7), death(OR=0.43, P=0.001), total end point event(OR=0.56, P<0.000 1), total cholesterol(TC)levels(MD=-0.44, P<0.000 01)and low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)levels(MD=-0.35, P< 0.000 01)with no increase in adverse reactions(OR=1.34, P=0.98).(2)There was no statistically significant difference between the deaths rate of moderate intensity statin group and that of low intensity statin(OR=0.54, P=0.44).Conclusions:Compared with moderate intensity statin, high intensity statin therapy for CHD could effectively decrease the incidences of nonfatal myocardial infarction, death, total end point event, TC levels and LDL-C levels with no increased risk of side effects in Chinese population. However, it showed no reducing effect on the risk of stroke.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-20