|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]顾迎春 弓芳艳 陈菲菲 Zakarie Mohamud Mohamed 王莹琪 代佰玲 刘金秋.病态窦房结综合征患者起搏器置入术后发生心力衰竭的随访研究[J].国际心血管病杂志,2018,04:236-242.
 GU Yingchun,GONG Fangyan,CHEN Feifei,et al.Follow-up study of heart failure after pacemaker implantation in patients with sick sinus syndrome[J].International Journal of Cardiovascular Disease,2018,04:236-242.





Follow-up study of heart failure after pacemaker implantation in patients with sick sinus syndrome
顾迎春 弓芳艳 陈菲菲 Zakarie Mohamud Mohamed 王莹琪 代佰玲 刘金秋
GU Yingchun GONG Fangyan CHEN Feifei Zakarie Mohamud MOHAMED WANG Yingqi DAI Bailing LIU Jinqiu.
Department of Heart Failure, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Liaoning 116000, China
病态窦房结综合征 起搏器治疗 心力衰竭 影响因素
Sick sinus syndrome Pacemaker treatment Heart failure Influencing factors
Objective:To investigatethe occurrence of heart failure after implantation of dual-chamber pacemaker and its related factorsin patients with sick sinus syndrome(SSS)with normal cardiac function before operation.Methods: A retrospective study was performe


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作者单位:116000 大连医科大学附属第一医院心力衰竭与结构性心脏病科
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-07-30