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 LIN minhua,CHEN jiaxin,WANG yujia,et al.The distribution of SLCO1B1 genotype and its effect on blood lipid levels in Eastern Fujian[J].International Journal of Cardiovascular Disease,2022,04:240-243.





The distribution of SLCO1B1 genotype and its effect on blood lipid levels in Eastern Fujian
352100 宁德师范学院附属宁德市医院药学部
LIN minhua CHEN jiaxin WANG yujia LIN xiaohui CHEN Xinyuan CHEN zichun
Department of Pharmacy, Ningde Municipal Hospital Affiliated to Ningde Normal University, Ningde 352100, China
SLCO1B1 血脂高密度脂蛋白胆固醇他汀类药物
SLCO1B1 Blood lipid HDL-cholesterol Statins
目的:探究闽东地区人群SLCO1B1 基因型的分布,结合血脂情况,研究 SLCO1B1 基因型对血脂水平的影响。 方法:收集2020 年3 月至2021 年2 月于宁德师 范学院附属宁德市医院进行SLCO1B1 基因型检测的2 655 例宁德籍贯患者SLCO1B1 基 因型及服用他汀类等降脂药前的血脂水平,采用统计学方法分析SLCO1B1 与血脂水平的 相关性。 结果:闽东地区人群SLCO1B1*1b(388A>G)基因型分布为AA 5.80%、AG 34.73%、GG 59.47%,SLCO1B1*5(
Objective: To explore the distribution of SLCO1B1 genotypes and the effect of gene polymorphism on blood lipid levels in eastern Fujian. Methods: SLCO1B1 genotypes were collected from 2 655 cases of Ningde native patients who underwent SLCO1B1 genotype de


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通信作者:陈子春, E-mail: ndczc@ndnu.edu.cn。
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-08-30